Transformative Leadership Development

At MDA Training, our approach to leadership development is centred around our unique Leadership Simulation where participants focus on and practice key skills and behaviours needed to drive business success. Our leadership development programmes challenge entrenched ideas and thinking, helping transform the way your leaders lead. From future leaders and emerging talent, through to senior management – our approach  delivers transformative change.

Focusing On People And Commercial Leadership

With over three decades of experience, we understand the importance of leadership skills in achieving commercial success. Testament to this are the world-class companies across a range of industries that have chosen to partner with us for their leadership development. Through our unique and immersive leadership simulation, our approach focuses on leading self, leading others and leading the business – providing a transformative experience that challenges existing thinking and behaviours, developing practical skills and tools for the workplace.

Changing Behaviours To Develop Tomorrow’s Leaders

Our leadership programmes achieve a number of critical learning outcomes: enabling leaders to internalise new ideas and behaviours; providing an opportunity to practice and refine those ideas and behaviours; and implementing those ideas and behaviours in the way they lead themselves, their teams and the business.

Explore our leadership simulation that underpins our approach…

Challenging Leaders Emotionally And Intellectually

The leadership simulation challenges your leaders emotionally and intellectually. Just like the workplace, in the simulation there are no pre-set outcomes: every simulation is dynamic. And our leadership simulation is about people and how they lead, collaborate, coach, communicate, motivate, delegate, manage change, handle difficult conversations and critically deliver financial results.

Embedding The Power Of Experiential Learning

Our approach embraces our three-dimensional approach to learning ‘Experiencing-Reflecting-Refining-Re-experiencing’. Our simulations are designed with focused reflection, where participants take stock of their learning and build their own personal action plans to apply in the workplace. This approach highlights leadership priorities and identifies opportunities for improvement.

Aligning With Your Leadership Behaviours

Our leadership simulation can be tailored to reflect your leadership behaviours and standards. And to be successful as a leader, your people must adopt and demonstrate your leadership behaviours and role model them in the workplace.

Helping Your People To Transition To Leadership

The leadership simulation requires participants to lead a specific area of the business as well as take responsibility for specific activities. In doing so, it creates an environment where they need to decide what leadership style they wish to adopt; how to manage themselves effectively; and what type of leader they want to be.

Helping Leaders To Translate Strategy Into Something Meaningful

The simulation is tailored to your organisation’s values, strategy and operating model.


Exploring Agile Working And Leadership

To be successful in the simulation, leaders need to develop and deliver a clear strategy, clear plans and execute to those plans, whilst maintaining an agile approach in a dynamic marketplace.

Helping Leaders Understand The Impact Of Their Leadership Style

Leaders will have a unique leadership review where peers will share feedback on their leadership style and the impact on psychological safety and collaboration. These facilitated reviews help leaders understand their impact on their team and how best to deliver a high-performance team.

Helping Leaders Balance People And Commercial Leadership

Your people explore the challenges of living your leadership behaviours in a simulated business setting, where decisions directly affect the KPIs in the business. The simulation identifies your people’s leadership edges, so they build a better understanding of themselves, others and the business; acknowledging what needs to change; and committing to making the appropriate changes in their leadership style.

Highlighting The Importance Of Motivating Through Feedback And Recognition

The simulation elicits typical leadership business challenges and provides multiple opportunities for your people to give and receive feedback in the most effective way.

Providing The Opportunity To Practice Coaching For Performance

During the simulation, leaders need to coach performance to develop colleagues to deliver better results. Leaders experience first-hand the benefits of taking responsibility for the development of their teams, and the importance of effective communication and handling challenging conversations properly.

A Flexible Simulation You Can Utilise In Many Ways...

Blend our leadership simulation with an existing leadership programme to enable your leaders to apply their learning. Or deploy our leadership simulation as a standalone intervention. Either way, our approach is tried and tested and proven to deliver.

Immersive Leadership Simulations

Our experiential approach creates transformative experiences that help drive behaviour change in leaders. Our programmes immerse participants in real-world scenarios, enabling them to hone their decision-making skills, emotional intelligence, and resilience. Our leadership coaches and consultants are experts at delving deep into the emotional dynamics of leadership, helping individuals harness their full potential. We understand that effective leadership isn’t just about theory; it’s about practical application and results.

Leadership Development, Tailored And Flexible

Our leadership simulations are designed to immerse participants in genuine leadership scenarios where they step into leadership roles within a simulated business – all tailored to reflect your specific organisational context, values, leadership standards and commercial KPIs.

Our leadership simulations also flexible. They can blend with an existing programme enabling leaders to apply their learning from a wider initiative. Or you can use our leadership simulation as a standalone intervention. Either way, our approach is tried and tested and proven to deliver. Join the many leading brands that have chosen to partner with us for their leadership development.


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