The quality of management throughout an entire hierarchy can make or break a business in any industry. Typically, managers are responsible for the professional development and wellbeing of their employees, and thus have a duty to protect them.
It is therefore imperative that anyone trusted with a position of this seniority is adequately qualified and prepared to successfully deal with the demands that they are more than likely to face on a daily basis.
Previous studies in this area have consistently proven that effective management aids the development of individual employees as well as a business on an organisational scale. With this being said, we’ve outlined four key statistics that highlight the importance of management development in the workplace:
1. Employees supervised by highly engaged leadership teams are 39% more likely to be engaged themselves

Those in management positions will inherently set an example for those around them, including new hires and graduates. Employees at all levels will look towards management for guidance and inspiration, meaning that if leaders do not practice what they preach in their own work, employees are unlikely to perform at their best.
As the attitudes and work ethics of managers will affect the entire workforce, it is critical to ensure that those in management are consistently setting the right example.
2. 32% of UK employees lack the confidence to put ideas forward to their employers

Confidence issues can lead to the breakdown of professional communications at all levels. If employees do not feel comfortable in their working environment to flag up any problems or ideas for improvement, they are more likely to become unhappy and disengaged within their roles, which can lead to an increase in staff turnover.
In order to ensure that everyone has a voice in the modern workplace, those in management should be implementing communication techniques such as team-building exercises and group discussions.
3. 74% of employees feel micromanaged due to trivial activities at work

As we’ve previously discussed, micromanaging can destroy your business, as it kerbs creativity and damages performance due to the disempowerment of the employees. If individuals do not feel trusted to carry out their roles, they are more likely to grow frustrated and seek career opportunities elsewhere.
As part of management development, individuals in these positions should learn how best to manage their employees, thus fostering the trust and communication skills necessary to avoid micromanaging employees while maintaining a positive environment.
4. 58% of managers say they didn’t receive any management training

It is incredibly odd to think that over half of managers in the workplace did not receive training directly related to the role that they serve. While this may be difficult to believe, many managers are promoted from less senior positions into management as opposed to being hired for their management capabilities. The danger of this is that these individuals may be good at what they do, but not particularly good at ensuring that those around them are working as effectively as possible.
With this in mind, it is essential to note that the best businesses will ensure that any employees who are progressing into management positions are prepared and qualified for that specific role. Management development courses in particular can be utilised to ensure that each employee at a senior level has the skills required to make this a reality.
In summary, an effective management team will go above and beyond to make a working environment as safe and productive as possible for all. Without this, operations are likely to be affected, and long term continuity will be in danger.
While each manager will have varying methods in which to motivate and engage their employees, it is critical that the entire workforce feels valued by those above them in the business hierarchy. In order to ensure that this happens, businesses should be investing in management development techniques.