Millennials are known for their passion, hard work and driven attitude.

They are constantly striving for both personal and professional development, however, like other generations, millennials are not all born leaders. It would suggest then, that the right training is invaluable for success.

What does leadership mean to a millennial?

A millennial’s outlook on leadership is very different from that of older generations. The millennial generation is trying to remove themselves from the traditional, structured leadership.

Rather than the original hierarchical management system, they would opt for a flatter business organisation where collaboration is key. It is, therefore, paramount that employers take the lead and ensure all employees understand the requirements of leadership for the overall success of a business.

Millennials have the drive and expectations of rapid career growth and progression and it is the responsibility of employers to ensure their training needs and requirements are met effectively or they risk losing employees.

Employers must ensure their millennial employees are adequately prepared for new challenges they’ll face as leaders. While many companies realise the importance of leadership training for their budding millennial employees there are few that implement programs that will ensure all their development needs are met.

Mentor your millennials

It has been reported that mentoring ranks highest in popular development opportunities with millennials, surpassing other options such as e-learning programmes.

This then suggests that a successful mentoring programme can enhance engagement, improve retention rates and have a positive impact on leadership development.

Millennials will thrive from a mentor that embodies an organisation’s ethics and values and who is approachable, patient and relishes sharing knowledge and information.

Hand over responsibility

Millennials have the expectation of being challenged within the workplace, it is, therefore, important to trust them with projects and campaigns in order for them to take the lead and understand the best way of completion.


Communication is a quality that is important to each generation. A possible leader should above all be able to effectively and coherently communicate.

Due to their perceived behaviour, millennials can sometimes be construed as arrogant, this will sometimes have a negative effect on other employees.

Millennials that are believed to be future leaders should be able to communicate effectively with all ages across all platforms and have an approachable, inspirational manner.

Making use of today’s technology

As millennials have the advantage of growing up in the digital age, surrounded by the latest technology updates, businesses and mentors should make use of these advantages.

A millennial leader will provide insight into the digital side of revolution for today’s businesses and such provide the advantage of streamlining and improving ways of working via technological resources.