With Millennials firmly establishing their roles within the workplace, by 2025 they will make up around 75% of the global workforce.

For employers, their drive and passion to succeed are second to none, and therefore Millennials training is crucial for establishing a basis for working within the dynamic of the business. Through carefully planned programmes which allow management to establish structures, provide effective leadership and allow Millennials to build on the skills within their roster to ensure they are performing to their best level.

Millenials training can open a dialogue about their workplace structure

For this generation, a structure is important in order for them to effectively manage time and workloads. During a Millennials training period, management can establish the most effective method of working with this group by establishing a structure that works well for both parties, this could include certain activities being scheduled on particular days each week, minutes and agendas for every meeting, clear objective and goals with associated progress tracking and assessment criteria and clear definition of each assignment with aligned factors for success.

Millenials training should provide guidance and leadership

When we consider Millennials, they are typically associated with the desire to learn constantly and develop their skills further. Millenials training should incorporate lessons from industry professionals within their field, who can bring experience and longevity in their field and share these teachings. It is critical to ensure you invest time and effort into coaching and developing your Millennials, in order to continuously build their skill sets and maintain their interest.

Millenials training should integrate feedback sessions

The best way to establish how to more effectively train Millennials and integrate them into the workplace relies on open lines of communications. It may be a good idea to sit down with your younger employees regularly throughout both their training and their time employed in your business, to gain feedback on their progress, collect ideas for improvement and further develop your understanding of their expectancies from their workplace.

Millenials training should build on their existing understanding of technology

With Millennials growing up as the first generation raised alongside computers and mobile phones, their understanding of technology is probably second to none. With a native approach to identifying more effective methods of working whilst incorporating their technological know-how, it is important to nurture this knowledge and use the most effective methods of delivery, during Millennials training.

Millenials training should encourage their flair for networking

Millennials are well-known for their natural flair for networking due to social media, whilst they do flourish working solitarily, their affinity for networking can be greatly beneficial to team and group activities. However, employers should remain conscious of Millennials ability to network, and therefore their ability to source a new role effectively and quickly online. Therefore Millennials training needs to demonstrate clear value and progression routes, at the beginning of their career, in an attempt to reduce staff turnover.