Unlike previous generations, Millennials remain relatively unphased by the prospect of automation.

They understand that the systems will not take over their jobs but act more as a support which could ultimately provide them with opportunities to advance their career and improve their organisation. 

With Millennials representing up to 75% of the workforce by 2025, organisations should consider looking to implement automation further into the workplace in order to build a Millennial-friendly workplace that is optimised to perform more efficiently.

Organisational efficiency and productivity

Automation is recognised as providing businesses with improved economic growth and overall productivity, with Millennials spearheading the argument for using more automation, over any other generation.

Millennial leaders have identified areas, such as bookkeeping data entry, where they have been able to implement effective automation in order to minimise the resource required and the time taken to perform monotonous tasks. These implementations haven't removed jobs but rather relocated human resources to areas where emotional intelligence and more complex thought is required.

More time to focus on analytical work can result in uncovering mistakes more efficiently and the ability to spend more time and take more care on tasks which previously would have needed to be balanced alongside more arduous processes.

Balance work life with creativity and value-added work

Improved accuracy and overall job satisfaction can also be increased through automation implementation, with team members afforded more time to make a real difference within their organisation. Many Millennials also believe that the ability to pass tasks such as data inputting to an automated service offers more time to focus on creativity and more valuable activities.

Repetitive tasks will no longer need human attention, allowing more freedom to explore creative strategies and ultimately boost productivity. Freeing human time to focus on strategic thinking overall, makes sense. Where human time is valuable and limited, it should be utilised to perform the tasks which computers simply cannot. Moreover, spending time producing meaningful work that facilitates change, is overall more important to Millennials, boosting job satisfaction through eliminating menial tasks.

Boosted influence within organizations

Aside from the capability to become more creative, Millennials recognise the opportunity that automation brings them to boost their influence within the workplace. Working with older generations who have resisted automation in the past and teaching them about the capabilities and explain the implications, allows Millennials to display their clear flair for technology and use this to leverage their influence within a business.

New skill educational opportunities

Millennials are big on learning continuously, and with automation, they will feel that pinch to develop their knowledge even further. Failure to develop through learning new skills runs the risk of your role eventually being performed through automation. Therefore upgrading job capabilities is a must when it comes to implementing automation, this includes emotional growth, social development creativity and high-level cognitive capabilities.