When the seemingly unexpected vote to leave the European Union was announced last June, it’s safe to say uncertainty swept the nation in all areas of working and personal life.

It was impossible to predict the impact this decision would have, considering Great Britain’s 43-year membership, but it’s safe to say that business owners and employees alike were left with concerns over job security and progression. 

It’s easy to overlook the impact that external forces, such as Brexit can have on the marketplace, but understanding is the key to overcoming uncertainty.

The VUCA model

You may think the VUCA model, also known as ‘the new normal’ is just the latest HR buzzword, but understanding the four key challenges and responsibilities that a business faces is fundamental in overcoming uncertainty.

VUCA, which stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, is particularly relevant when looking at the recent state of things.

The term, which was initially adopted by the US military in the early ’90s refers to the appreciation that the world we live in is extremely unpredictable, and that preparation is key; in short - Brexit highlights the reality of the VUCA world.

But what does this mean for your business?

The leaders within a business that overcome uncertainty plan accordingly, and if your leaders are struggling to do so - it’s likely to further the training and development needed. Ask yourself the following:

  • Can your leaders provide reassurance to other staff members, remaining calm during uncomfortable situations in order to keep everyone on track?
  • Can they see beyond temporary obstructions or ambiguous situations and maintain a clear direction for all, in order to fulfil the company’s vision and aims?
  • Can your leaders manage complex situations, taking insight and advice from the experts, even those in lower level positions in order to make the ‘right’ decisions?
  • Are your leaders reactive and agile? Do they communicate changes early and efficiently in order to empower other members of the team, and get them on board?

In light of Brexit, your business needs leaders that can embrace changes, and help to empower those who may be frightened by this, with the ability to adjust to different circumstances and personality types - drawing upon the key skills of each employee, anywhere within the organisational structure.

The sensible solution: invest more in workplace training and development for your current and future leaders

Nurturing and developing the talent within your business with suitable workplace training is the most positive way to counteract any negative connotations brought on by Brexit.

As long as businesses continue to move forward and be reactive - they will remain successful. In times of uncertainty, preparation is key - and empowering your workforce; particularly your leaders with workplace training will see your business successfully navigate troubled waters.