In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern work, remote or virtual teams have become increasingly prevalent. With advancements in technology and a shifting cultural paradigm, remote work is no longer a luxury but a necessity for many organisations. However, with this transition comes the challenge of fostering inclusivity and a sense of belonging among team members who are physically dispersed. 

In this blog post, we will explore effective strategies and methods to ensure inclusivity and belonging in a remote work environment.

1. Clear Communication and Expectations

Remote Work Setup

Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful remote work setup. When team members are physically dispersed, clear and transparent communication becomes paramount for ensuring alignment, productivity, and a sense of belonging. Here are actionable steps to enhance communication and set clear expectations within remote teams:

a. Utilise Comprehensive Communication Tools

  • Select Appropriate Platforms: Choose communication tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom that suit your team's needs. Utilise features like channels, threads, and video calls for efficient communication.
  • Establish Communication Guidelines: Define guidelines on when to use specific communication channels (e.g., urgent matters through direct messages, project updates in team channels) to avoid message overload and confusion.

b. Define Communication Norms

  • Availability and Response Times: Clearly outline the expected availability during work hours and guidelines for response times to messages or emails.
  • Status Updates: Encourage team members to update their status on the communication platform, indicating if they are available, in a meeting, or offline.

c. Regular Team Meetings

  • Scheduled Team Meetings: Establish a regular cadence for team meetings, whether daily stand-ups or weekly updates, to discuss progress, challenges, and goals.
  • Agenda and Preparation: Share an agenda beforehand to allow team members to prepare, ensuring productive and focused discussions.

d. Feedback Mechanisms

  • Encourage Constructive Feedback: Create an environment where team members are comfortable providing feedback and suggestions to improve processes, communication, and teamwork.
  • Regular Feedback Sessions: Schedule regular feedback sessions, allowing team members to discuss their experiences, concerns, and ideas for improvement.

e. Set Clear Expectations for Work

  • Project Goals and Objectives: Clearly define project goals, objectives, and expected outcomes, ensuring that every team member understands their role and contribution.
  • Deadlines and Milestones: Communicate deadlines and project milestones, outlining the importance of meeting these targets and the implications on the overall project.

f. Video Communication Best Practices

  • Effective Video Calls: Share guidelines for effective video calls, including camera positioning, lighting, and minimising background noise to enhance the quality of virtual interactions.
  • Encourage Face-to-Face Interactions: Encourage the use of video calls for important discussions to maintain a human connection and understanding of non-verbal cues.


At Automattic, a fully distributed company known for, teams rely heavily on Slack for real-time communication. They have established a norm called "P2s" (named after the P2 WordPress theme), which are project-specific blogs where teams share updates, progress, and discussions. This transparent communication fosters collaboration and keeps everyone informed and aligned with project expectations.

2. Regular Check-ins and Feedback Loops

Remote Work Setup

Regular check-ins and feedback loops are essential elements for maintaining a sense of connection, alignment, and growth within remote teams. These practices provide opportunities for team members to communicate their progress, challenges, and feedback effectively. Here are actionable steps to implement regular check-ins and feedback loops in a remote work environment:

a. Scheduled Check-ins

  • One-on-One Meetings: Establish regular one-on-one video meetings between managers and team members to discuss progress, goals, and any concerns or feedback.
  • Team Check-ins: Conduct regular team meetings to review project status, share updates, discuss priorities, and address collective challenges.

b. Structured Agenda for Check-ins

  • Set Agenda Items: Share a structured agenda before each check-in, allowing team members to prepare and contribute to the discussion effectively.
  • Agenda Topics:
    • Project updates and progress
    • Individual and team challenges
    • Goals and objectives review
    • Feedback and suggestions

c. Feedback Culture

  • Real-time Feedback: Encourage real-time feedback on completed tasks or projects, focusing on specific actions and behaviours to promote continuous improvement.
  • Constructive Feedback: Teach team members how to provide constructive feedback that is specific, actionable, and focused on growth.

d. 360-degree Feedback

  • Peer Feedback: Implement a system where team members can provide feedback to their peers, promoting a culture of openness and collaboration.
  • Feedback Collection Tools: Utilise feedback collection tools that allow anonymous feedback to encourage honest and candid responses.

e. Recognition and Appreciation

  • Acknowledge Achievements: Celebrate achievements, milestones, and exceptional contributions during team meetings to recognize and appreciate team members.
  • Peer Recognition: Encourage team members to appreciate each other's efforts through peer-to-peer recognition programs.

f. Feedback Implementation

  • Actionable Feedback: Ensure that feedback received is acted upon, providing updates on the steps taken based on the feedback received.
  • Continuous Improvement: Demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement by integrating feedback into processes and workflows.


At Google, they utilise a performance management system known as "Objectives and Key Results" (OKRs). Teams set their OKRs, which are ambitious, measurable goals. Regular check-ins, usually on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, are conducted to assess progress. These check-ins allow for continuous feedback and adjustment to ensure alignment with organisational objectives.

3. Promote Diversity and Inclusion

Remote Work Setup

Promoting diversity and inclusion within a remote work environment is not only an ethical imperative but also a strategic advantage. Diverse teams bring a variety of perspectives and ideas, leading to innovation and better decision-making. Creating an inclusive culture ensures that all team members feel valued and included, contributing their best. Here are actionable steps to promote diversity and inclusion in a remote work setup:

a. Diverse Hiring Practices

  • Inclusive Job Descriptions: Craft job descriptions that emphasise the organisation's commitment to diversity and inclusion, encouraging a wide range of applicants.
  • Diverse Hiring Panels: Form interview panels that represent diversity in terms of gender, ethnicity, and background to ensure unbiased hiring decisions.

b. Diversity Training and Education

  • Diversity Workshops: Organise workshops and training sessions focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion to educate employees on the importance of embracing differences.
  • Unconscious Bias Training: Offer training to help team members recognize and mitigate unconscious biases in the workplace, fostering fair treatment for all.

c. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

  • Establish ERGs: Encourage the formation of ERGs based on various aspects of diversity (e.g., ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation) to provide a platform for dialogue and support.
  • Leadership Involvement: Involve leaders to engage with ERGs, demonstrating the organisation's commitment to diversity and inclusion.

d. Inclusive Communication and Language Usage

  • Inclusive Language Guidelines: Provide guidelines for using inclusive language, avoiding terms or phrases that may marginalised or stereotype certain groups.
  • Cultural Awareness: Encourage team members to learn about and respect the cultural backgrounds of their colleagues to foster understanding and inclusivity.

e. Diversity in Decision-making

  • Inclusive Decision-making Processes: Incorporate diverse perspectives in decision-making by involving team members from different backgrounds and experiences.
  • Address Power Dynamics: Ensure that power dynamics within teams are balanced, allowing all voices to be heard and considered in the decision-making process.

f. Promote Equal Opportunities

  • Equal Access to Opportunities: Guarantee that all team members, regardless of their background, have equal access to growth opportunities, projects, and leadership roles.
  • Advocate for Diversity in Leadership: Aim for diverse representation in leadership positions, demonstrating the organisation's commitment to fostering an inclusive environment.


Salesforce is a notable example of a company committed to diversity and inclusion. They've set public diversity goals and regularly report on their progress. Salesforce also implemented initiatives like "Equal Pay for Equal Work" to address gender pay gaps and established a Chief Equality Officer role to drive diversity and inclusion efforts across the company.

4. Offer Learning and Development Opportunities

Remote Work Setup

Investing in the learning and development of remote team members is crucial for their growth, job satisfaction, and overall productivity. Providing opportunities for skill enhancement and continuous learning not only improves individual performance but also contributes to the organisation's success. Here are actionable steps to offer learning and development opportunities in a remote work setup:

a. Skill Enhancement Programs

  • Identify Skill Gaps: Conduct assessments to identify skill gaps within the team and organisation, helping tailor training programs accordingly.
  • Partner with Learning Platforms: Collaborate with online learning platforms like Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, or Udemy to offer a wide range of courses relevant to the team's needs.

b. Mentorship Programs

  • Establish Mentorship Relationships: Pair experienced team members with newer employees to provide guidance, share knowledge, and support their professional growth.
  • Cross-functional Mentorship: Encourage cross-functional mentorship to foster a broader understanding of the organisation and promote collaboration.

c. Knowledge Sharing Sessions

  • Regular Knowledge-Sharing Meetings: Schedule periodic virtual meetings where team members can share insights, best practices, and experiences related to their expertise.
  • Invite External Speakers: Arrange sessions with industry experts or guest speakers to offer unique perspectives and insights to the team.

d. Certifications and Workshops

  • Reimburse Certifications: Provide financial assistance or reimbursement for relevant certifications or workshops completed by team members.
  • Organise Internal Workshops: Conduct in-house workshops or invite experts to provide training on specific skills or technologies.

e. Encourage Continuous Learning

  • Set Learning Goals: Encourage team members to set personal learning goals aligned with their career aspirations and the organisation's objectives.
  • Regular Progress Check-ins: Review progress on learning goals during performance reviews or one-on-one meetings, providing guidance and support.

f. Feedback and Growth Discussions

  • Feedback on Performance: Offer constructive feedback on team members' performance, highlighting areas for improvement and suggesting relevant training or development opportunities.
  • Individual Development Plans: Collaboratively create individual development plans based on career goals, ensuring a clear path for growth within the organisation.


LinkedIn has a dedicated learning platform called LinkedIn Learning that provides a vast library of courses on various topics. LinkedIn encourages its employees to use this platform to enhance their skills and knowledge. The company also promotes a culture of continuous learning and provides opportunities for employees to attend workshops, seminars, and conferences.

5. Virtual Team-building Activities

Remote Work Setup

Effective team-building is essential for fostering a sense of camaraderie, collaboration, and trust within remote teams. Virtual team-building activities play a crucial role in building strong relationships among team members who may be geographically dispersed. Here are actionable steps and examples to organise engaging virtual team-building activities:

a. Online Games and Challenges

  • Virtual Scavenger Hunts: Organise a virtual scavenger hunt where team members search for specific items within their homes or virtually.
  • Trivia Competitions: Host online trivia games related to various topics, encouraging friendly competition and team bonding.

b. Themed Virtual Meetings

  • Dress-up Days: Plan themed virtual meetings where team members dress up according to a specific theme, adding an element of fun and creativity.
  • Virtual Background Contest: Hold a contest for the best virtual background during a meeting, allowing team members to showcase their creativity.

c. Cooking or Mixology Classes

  • Virtual Cooking Session: Arrange a cooking class where team members learn to prepare a dish together virtually, promoting collaboration and creativity.
  • Mixology Workshop: Organise a mixology workshop where team members learn to create cocktails in a fun and interactive way.

d. Book Club or Movie Nights

  • Book Club Discussions: Start a book club within the team, where members read a selected book and have discussions about it during virtual meetings.
  • Movie Streaming Parties: Host movie nights where team members watch a movie simultaneously and share their thoughts and reviews.

e. Online Escape Rooms

  • Virtual Escape Room Challenge: Participate in an online escape room challenge where team members work together to solve puzzles and "escape" within a time limit.

f. Fitness or Wellness Activities

  • Virtual Yoga or Workout Sessions: Arrange virtual yoga or workout sessions led by a fitness instructor, promoting team members' physical well-being.
  • Mental Health Workshops: Organise virtual workshops on stress management, mindfulness, or other mental health topics to support overall well-being.


Buffer, a remote-first company, regularly organises virtual team-building activities. They have hosted events like virtual coffee chats, online games, and even a virtual talent show where team members showcased their unique talents, adding a personal touch to the virtual workspace.

6. Encourage Flexibility and Autonomy

Remote Work Setup

Flexibility and autonomy are key pillars of a successful remote work setup. Empowering team members to manage their work in a way that suits their individual needs and circumstances leads to increased job satisfaction and productivity. Here are actionable steps and real-life examples to encourage flexibility and autonomy within remote teams:

a. Flexible Work Hours

  • Set Core Hours: Establish core hours during which all team members are available for collaboration and meetings, allowing flexibility in the remaining work hours.
  • Results-Oriented Approach: Focus on the outcomes and results rather than micromanaging work hours, encouraging a results-driven work culture.

b. Remote Work Locations

  • "Work from Anywhere" Policy: Adopt a policy that allows team members to work from any location, enabling them to choose a conducive work environment.
  • Nomadic Work Approach: Encourage team members to explore new locations and work from different places to enhance creativity and motivation.

c. Personalised Task Management

  • Individual Task Management: Allow team members to manage their own tasks and projects, giving them autonomy to prioritise and organise their work.
  • Self-Organizing Teams: Encourage teams to organise and plan their work collectively, empowering them to take ownership of their projects.

d. Encourage Skill Development

  • Self-guided Learning: Provide opportunities for self-guided learning and skill development, allowing team members to choose the areas they want to enhance.
  • Learning Budgets: Offer learning budgets or stipends that team members can utilise for courses, workshops, or conferences aligned with their career goals.

e. Promote Mental Health Breaks

  • Flexible Breaks: Allow team members to take breaks as needed for mental relaxation and rejuvenation, supporting their mental well-being.
  • Encourage Short Walks or Exercise: Suggest short breaks for physical activity to improve focus and overall health.


GitLab, a remote-first company, is known for its strong emphasis on flexibility and autonomy. They have an "asynchronous" culture, allowing team members to manage their schedules and work at their own pace. GitLab encourages team members to take advantage of their "unlimited time off" policy, giving them the freedom to balance work and personal life autonomously.

7. Technology for Collaboration and Engagement

Remote Work Setup

Leveraging appropriate technology is essential for facilitating seamless collaboration and enhancing engagement within remote teams. The right tools can bridge the physical distance, enabling efficient communication and collaboration. Here are actionable steps and real-life examples to utilise technology effectively for collaboration and engagement in a remote work setup:

a. Collaboration Platforms

  • Unified Communication Platforms: Utilise comprehensive platforms like Microsoft Teams, Slack, or Zoom that integrate messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, and project management.
  • Real-time Document Collaboration: Use tools like Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 for real-time collaboration on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

b. Project Management Tools

  • Kanban Boards: Implement project management tools such as Trello or Asana, using Kanban boards to visualise tasks, progress, and priorities.
  • Agile Methodologies: Adopt Agile project management tools like Jira or to facilitate sprint planning, backlog management, and team coordination.

c. Virtual Whiteboarding and Brainstorming

  • Digital Whiteboard Tools: Use online whiteboard platforms like Miro or MURAL for virtual brainstorming sessions, mind mapping, and collaborative idea generation.

d. Knowledge Sharing and Learning

  • Knowledge Base Platforms: Employ knowledge sharing platforms like Confluence or Notion to centralise documentation, tutorials, and FAQs for easy access and learning.
  • Webinars and Virtual Workshops: Conduct webinars and virtual workshops using platforms like WebEx or GoToWebinar to share knowledge and skills across the team.

e. Virtual Social Spaces

  • Virtual Coffee Chats: Schedule virtual coffee breaks or casual video calls using platforms like Donut or Watercooler to encourage informal interactions and team bonding.
  • Virtual Team Events: Organise team-building activities or social events using platforms like TeamBonding or for a sense of togetherness.

f. Surveys and Feedback Tools

  • Pulse Survey Tools: Use platforms like SurveyMonkey or Typeform to conduct regular surveys and gather feedback on various aspects of work, well-being, and team dynamics.
  • Anonymous Feedback Channels: Establish anonymous feedback channels using tools like Honestly or TINYpulse to encourage honest feedback without fear of judgement.


Atlassian, the company behind products like Jira and Confluence, extensively uses their own collaboration tools. They utilise Confluence for documentation and knowledge sharing, Jira for project management and issue tracking, and Stride (now part of Slack) for team communication, showcasing the effectiveness of their own products in their remote work environment.

8. Regular Surveys and Feedback Collection

Remote Work Setup

Gathering feedback from remote team members is crucial for understanding their experiences, addressing concerns, and making informed decisions to improve the work environment. Regular surveys and feedback collection provide valuable insights that help organisations optimise processes and enhance employee satisfaction. Here are actionable steps and real-life examples to conduct effective surveys and feedback collection within remote teams:

a. Define Survey Objectives

  • Identify Key Focus Areas: Determine the primary goals of the survey, whether it's gauging employee satisfaction, assessing communication effectiveness, or understanding remote work challenges.
  • Craft Relevant Questions: Tailor survey questions to align with the objectives, ensuring that they provide actionable insights and measurable data.

b. Choose Survey Tools

  • SurveyMonkey: Utilise platforms like SurveyMonkey to design and distribute surveys, offering various question types and analysis features.
  • Google Forms: Create surveys using Google Forms, which is user-friendly and allows for easy sharing and data collection.

c. Frequency and Timing

  • Regular Pulse Surveys: Conduct short and frequent pulse surveys at regular intervals (e.g., monthly or quarterly) to capture real-time feedback and track changes over time.
  • Event-specific Surveys: Implement surveys after significant events such as project completions or team reorganisations to assess the experience and gather insights for improvement.

d. Anonymity and Confidentiality

  • Anonymous Surveys: Assure anonymity to encourage open and honest responses, enabling team members to express their opinions without fear of repercussions.
  • Confidentiality Commitment: Clearly communicate that survey responses will be handled confidentially and used for organisational improvements only.

e. Act on Feedback

  • Prompt Action Steps: Share the survey results with the team and outline specific actions that will be taken based on the feedback received.
  • Transparent Communication: Communicate the changes or improvements resulting from the survey, demonstrating the organisation's commitment to addressing concerns.

f. Continuous Improvement Loop

  • Feedback Integration: Integrate feedback into the organisation's processes and workflows to demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Repeat Surveys: Repeat the survey process periodically to assess the impact of changes and gather updated feedback for further enhancements.


Microsoft regularly conducts employee engagement surveys to gather feedback and measure employee satisfaction. They use a platform called "Microsoft Pulse" to send out surveys and analyse the results. Microsoft values feedback and takes action based on the insights gathered to enhance the employee experience and address concerns.

What’s Next?

Creating an inclusive and belonging-focused remote work environment requires intentional efforts from organisations. Clear communication, regular check-ins, promoting diversity, providing growth opportunities, virtual team-building, fostering flexibility, utilising collaboration technology, and feedback mechanisms are vital strategies to cultivate a sense of inclusivity and belonging among remote teams. By prioritising these strategies, organisations can pave the way for a productive, engaged, and harmonious virtual work environment. Remember, inclusivity and belonging are the cornerstones of a successful remote team, enabling individuals to thrive both personally and professionally. 

Remote Work Setup

If you are interested in enhancing inclusivity and belonging in your remote work environment, MDA Training can be instrumental in training your teams. Get in touch with our trainers today to explore how we can assist you in achieving these goals effectively.