In the corporate world, it's often hard to determine what skills employees need to develop. However, one thing is certain - soft skills are essential.

They are the key to effective communication, strong interpersonal relationships, and overall success in the workplace.

Developing your workforce's interpersonal and communication skills is a long-term investment that pays dividends both in the short and long term. 

Communicating clearly, concisely, and persuasively is an essential skill in any business. In reality, all communication, whether an email or a presentation, offers the opportunity to enhance reputations or destroy credibility.

Developing well-rounded interpersonal and communication skills help to ensure your people deliver messages that impress and convince internal and external audiences alike.

The key lies in providing your workforce with skills and frameworks to help them challenge their existing communication strengths and weaknesses and to build ways to communicate more effectively, both in-person and in writing.  

Think before you write 

Think before you write | MDA Training

One of the most critical aspects of effective communication is careful planning. Planning what you want to achieve from delivering a presentation or contributing to a meeting will help you to select and structure content that will make your messages clear, impressive, and convincing. This way, you will make a stronger impact and achieve the intended outcomes. 

"When it comes to communication, it's all about thinking before you speak," says John M. O'Connor, a career coach and author of "Career Pro Inc." "Take the time to think about what you want to say, and how you want to say it.

Consider the message you want to convey and how you can deliver it in a way that your audience will understand and respond positively to." 

Listen, don’t just talk 

Listen, don’t just talk | MDA Training

When communicating in-person, it's crucial to listen as well as talk. Effective listening is all about taking a genuine interest and engaging in what is being said.

This way, you will pick up on emotions and subtleties and make a deeper connection with the audience. 

"Active listening is one of the most essential skills that people need to have in the workplace," says Oz Hussein, Director at MDA Training.

"When people feel heard, they are more likely to engage in meaningful conversations and build stronger relationships with their colleagues. This, in turn, can lead to a more productive and collaborative work environment." 

Communicate in an everyday language 

Communicate in an everyday language | MDA Training

One of the biggest mistakes people make when communicating is using complex words or jargon, thinking it will land a message more powerfully.

Quite the contrary. Often, it will confuse the audience or recipient. Stick to using plain language and ensure everyone understands what you are trying to say. 

"Communication is all about clarity," says O'Connor. "Using big words or technical jargon might make you sound smart, but it won't help you get your message across.

Make sure you use language that everyone can understand, and avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse people." 

Strategies for Developing Interpersonal and Communication Skills in Your Workforce 

Strategies for Developing Interpersonal and Communication Skills in Your Workforce | MDA Training

Developing the soft skills of your workforce is not something that can happen overnight. It requires a long-term investment in training, coaching, and development programs that focus on the specific needs of your organisation. Here are some strategies for developing interpersonal and communication skills in your workforce: 

1. Conduct a Training Needs Analysis 

The first step in developing your workforce's interpersonal and communication skills is to conduct a training needs analysis. This will help you to identify the areas where your employees need the most support and which training programs would be most effective. 

2. Provide Training Programs 

Once you have identified the areas that need improvement, it's time to provide training programs that can help your employees develop their soft skills. These programs can be delivered in-person or online, depending on your organisation's needs and budget. Some popular soft skills training programs include: 

  • Communication skills training 
  • Conflict resolution and negotiation training 
  • Leadership and management training 
  • Emotional intelligence training 
  • Team building and collaboration training 

 3. Offer Coaching and Mentoring 

In addition to training programs, offering coaching and mentoring to your employees can also be an effective way to develop their soft skills. This can be done through one-on-one coaching sessions, group coaching, or by pairing employees with more experienced mentors within the organisation. 

4. Create Opportunities for Practice 

One of the best ways to develop soft skills is through practice. Creating opportunities for your employees to practise their communication and interpersonal skills in real-life situations can help them to build confidence and develop their skills more quickly.

This can be done through role-playing exercises, team-building activities, or by encouraging employees to take on leadership roles within the organisation. 

Case Study: Developing Interpersonal Skills in a Sales Team 

One company that successfully developed its employees' interpersonal skills is a sales team that had been struggling to meet its targets.

The team was made up of experienced salespeople, but they were having difficulty building strong relationships with their clients, which was affecting their ability to close deals. 

The company conducted a training needs analysis and identified that the team needed to develop their interpersonal skills, particularly their active listening and empathy skills.

They provided the team with a communication skills training program that included role-playing exercises, group discussions, and individual coaching sessions. 

Following the training program, the sales team members reported feeling more confident and better equipped to build stronger relationships with their clients.

They were also able to close more deals, resulting in a significant increase in revenue for the company. 

How MDA Training can help 

At MDA Training, we offer a range of soft skills training programs that can help your organisation develop the interpersonal and communication skills of your workforce.

Our programs are designed to be interactive, engaging, and tailored to the specific needs of your organisation.

We offer in-person training programs, online training, and blended learning solutions to ensure that your employees can access the training they need, no matter where they are located. 

We also offer coaching and mentoring services to help your employees develop their skills over time. Our experienced coaches and mentors can work with your employees one-on-one or in group settings to help them build confidence, develop their skills, and achieve their goals. 


Developing the soft skills of your workforce is essential for building strong relationships with clients, improving collaboration and communication within teams, and driving overall success in the workplace.

By providing your employees with the training, coaching, and mentoring they need to develop their interpersonal and communication skills, you can help them to become more effective communicators, build stronger relationships, and achieve their goals. 

Contact MDA Training

If you're interested in learning more about how MDA Training can help your organisation develop its soft skills, get in touch with our trainers today. We'll work with you to develop a tailored training program that meets the specific needs of your organisation and helps your employees to achieve their full potential.