Experiential learning is great for encouraging an alternative way of approaching problems and learning from experiences.

Omitting the traditional textbooks and whiteboards, businesses have now adoptive approaches which integrate the use of technology, gadgets and interactivity. Removing learners from confining classroom spaces and repetitive ways of studying can transform attitudes and produce exceptional employees who will not only propel your business forward but also be more capable of progressing into great leaders in the future.

Learning by doing has also been noted as building confidence in managing workloads and understanding how to deal with difficult situations, in a safe environment which will have no negative repercussions if a problem arises. Technology allows employees to review their progress and critique themselves, through this individuals can continuously build their knowledge and build more confident individuals.

Inspiring creativity through experiential learning

Since Kolb developed the experiential learning model, almost 50 years ago, thousands of businesses and educational establishments have adopted it as a way of creating better employees. Experiential learning is perfectly suited to the 21st century, offering learners the opportunity to build confidence and feel empowered. It has also been recognised that experiential learning is great for building creativity and driving innovation.

Regardless of the industry, the ability to trigger creativity within your workforce can lead to better processes being developed and employees feeling more engaged within their role. Encouraging them to explore creative routes and innovative solutions can inspire the next generation of leaders and build a positive workplace culture that nurtures the workforce.

Learning from mistakes

Mistakes made in the workplace can have dire consequences - mistakes made during an experiential learning exercise or simulation can inspire quite the opposite reaction. Experiential learning is all about making mistakes and finding new solutions. The capability to review work and progress is ideal for identifying the areas where errors were made and how to avoid or rectify these most efficiently in the future.

Mistakes are a gateway to major progress, and simulations within an experiential learning programme can allow individuals to benefit from this without suffering from real-world consequences, should the worst happen. Mishaps allow participants to shape future projects into successes through careful planning based on their experiences and utilising the creativity developing during their learning.

Emotional intelligence

One of the most important lessons from experiential learning is building emotional intelligence and being more able to recognise windows of opportunity which will benefit the business as well as when to take considered risks for better results.

Developing skills in sympathetic analysis of colleagues work also allows individuals to better critique their own work and learn to take constructive criticism. This works twofold as it builds group skills and the capability to effectively communicate feedback, but also offers the opportunity for individuals to hone their own artistic voice in the workplace.