When it comes to performing at optimum levels in a professional setting, becoming an effective learner can be extremely beneficial.

Effective learning requires a combination of many things. Perhaps most importantly, the desire of an individual to want to learn is the first step in improving learning retention. Also, allowing oneself to become immersed in unique and innovative workplace learning methods will maximise the opportunities to progress.

In the workplace, while it is ultimately up to the individual to want to improve their ways of learning, there are several methods that business leaders can utilise in order to give their employees the best chance to progress while delivering a significant return on investment from training programmes.

For employers, it is critical to encourage individuals to develop their skills, as this will go a long way in implementing a positive mindset across the entire hierarchy of a business. This, in turn, will allow leaders to reap the benefits of long term progress and continuity.

Here at MDA Training, we believe that active learning is key to consistent progress. With this in mind, we’ve outlined below what it means to be an effective learner as well as highlighting some of the workplace learning methods that can be adopted to maximise retention.

What makes an effective learner?

When it comes to improving retention long term, there are three characteristics that an individual should embrace. These are:

Motivation - Before anything else, an individual must possess the will to learn in order to make any significant progress. A business may adopt the most accurate workplace learning methods to succeed, but if an individual is not interested, it will all be in vain. In engaging with new ways of learning, individuals can begin to challenge themselves and improve.

Collaboration - In general learning, and more specifically in workplace learning, drawing on the insights of others is critical to improving individual learning. A typical workforce will consist of a wide range of individuals with different backgrounds, experiences and opinions. When all of these are combined, more innovative ways of thinking are likely to come to fruition.

Retention - Learning relevant information is ultimately pointless if it is not retained long term. For the sake of real progress, effective learning must provide individuals with the opportunity to reflect on their performance, assess what they did well and struggled with, and continue to make improvements in real-time.

Workplace learning methods to challenge your brain

While workplace training methods were once typically dominated by traditional events, modern programmes tend to embrace the digital age, focusing on proven ways of improving learning retention. Here at MDA Training, we utilise perceptual thinking and virtual learning methods to truly challenge how people think, which in turn works to maximise retention.

Perceptual thinking

In workplace training, perceptual thinking methods can be utilised to allow individuals to learn in a way that will benefit them long term. Made up of several ways to maximise learning including contextual cues, interleaving and incubation, employees are encouraged to digest information in a more progressive form than traditional methods allow for. For more information on the perceptual thinking methods we use, visit our blog here.

Virtual learning

Technology has become a crucial part of operations for businesses in any industry, and this should be replicated in workplace training. Virtual learning methods compliment an individual’s desire to improve their learning by giving them the flexibility to access online materials whenever they need it, compared to traditional training events.

In providing employees with digital information in short bursts, they are more likely to regularly revisit the material they need to improve within their roles, in a format that they are comfortable with. For more information on the virtual learning methods we provide as part of workplace training, visit our blog here.

Becoming an effective learner requires a genuine interest from the individual, as well as diligence from business leaders to provide their workforce with the right tools to learn in order to see significant results. Collaborative learning with regular opportunities for feedback will allow individuals to grow, as well as highlighting to leaders who their most motivated employees are.