As the rise in millennials continues to grow in the workplace so does the rise in the number of technological advances used for daily tasks and training with learning, with simulations gaining increasing popularity in work-based development programmes.

Business simulations

Business simulations can be used in a variety of disciplines, however, they are more commonly used in corporate situations to improve business awareness and management skills. A training simulation is a virtual medium to replace and amplify real experiences with guided ones. The training is of an immersive nature that attempts to replicate certain aspects of real life situations in an interactive and experiential way. The use of simulations enables employees to get an insight into the types of situations they will find themselves in throughout their role. This allows them to explore their successes and failures from the safety of the simulated environment, and apply these new skills and insights back to the workplace. Mistakes and failures are seen as invaluable opportunities to determine the correct outcome. Being aware of the various outcomes from certain situations give employees the confidence to handle real life situations more efficiently and effectively.

The benefits of business simulations

Interactive simulations give employees an experience to remember, which in turn helps them to retain the knowledge they have gained as they will associate the fun interactive memory with the subject in question. Companies of all different disciplines are seeing the benefits of experiential learning to inspire change and deliver engaging learning experiences to their employees. Companies have found that using simulation-based has helped increase their employees’ confidence in their roles and also better enables them to understand how their role fits into the overall business picture in a practical way.