Creating a workplace training course that traditionally consists of long and drawn out seminars is unlikely to improve employee engagement.

Times have changed, and a new dynamic workplace training course could be the way to revitalise your workforce, push for innovation and boost productivity. By taking the time to structure a training programme that utilises experiential learning methods and team-building activities, business leaders will begin to see an improved ROI.

Collect reviews from your workforce

If you want to boost the productivity of your workforce, it’s worth speaking to them or asking them to complete anonymous surveys in order to provide feedback. Within this, you can identify a whole host of issues that might be distracting your employees from doing their best, from lack of basic training to company culture. Once you have collected these views, you will have a concrete basis for justifying your new workplace training course.

Not only does collecting your employee's views and opinions to create a better workplace training programme, but it also builds trust and opens lines of communications. Communication can also boost your employee's desire to learn, meaning that training materials you create, will be better received and will ultimately reduce the risk of wasting training funds.

Empowerment at the heart

Responsibilities and delegation of tasks can prompt empowerment of employees, which can drive them to excel beyond the basics of the job role. When it comes to workplace training, this might involve selecting a number of employees to input into what they want to learn and offer them the opportunities to lead training on the skills that they already possess. This works two-fold, in that it offers them the opportunity to decide what they feel is missing from their current skill set but also share their current skills with others.

Team-building exercises

The effect of good team structures results in the regular sharing of information, tips, tricks and improved ways of working. Those who have held a position in the industry for long periods of time can offer up useful advice to juniors, while newer members of the workforce can bring in new ways of performing tasks and, often, digital innovation. Communication is key when it comes to building an effective and productive workforce. Where there are specifically devoted times that aim to facilitate knowledge sharing and conversations, such as team lunches and regular discussion, followed by reflection from the newer employees, will aim to reinforce relationships and ensure they can reiterate on what they’ve just learned.

Integrate technology into workplace training

Whether you embrace it or hate it, technology must be integrated into both the workplace and training. Implementing online learning systems can integrate microlearning and e-learning opportunities, which are often favoured by Millennials. On the opposite side, your maturer employees may favour a more hands-on approach and to work in groups. Workplace training must consider your audience and create programmes that not only include relevant content but also are delivered using the most effective methods available. With employees who are averse to adopting technology or do not feel confident with it, utilise your team building methods to pair them with those who are fluent in digital. This will allow them to build relationships while also learning actively and widening their skill set.