Virtual learning is a web-based environment in which a teacher provides course content and digital based learning, utilising methods such as the Internet, multimedia resources, and video conferencing.

Regarding workplace training, virtual learning can be extremely useful and flexible, and companies are now embracing this learning technique to open up a more diverse range of training methods. Employees are now able to learn in immersive and innovative ways which move away from traditional learning methods to increase retention.

Why people choose virtual learning

Virtual learning allows their employees to learn how they feel most comfortable. The majority of people now have regular access to a computer, a tablet or a smartphone, meaning learning can happen whenever and wherever, at the individual learner's convenience.

Workers can access their virtual teaching materials at a time and place that is best for them, unlike traditional workplace training, which relies on attendance of long lectures and an abundance of paperwork.

The use of virtual learning materials can also assist management in identifying individuals who have shown a natural talent for a topic and have a desire to learn more than their peers, for example, through accessing non-mandatory and optional further reading or tests in their own time. These individuals can then be further developed to encourage them to enter leadership or mentor roles, with the potential to grow into future managers.

Virtual learning platforms can be easily and quickly updated, to offer the most recent information, compared to more traditional learning methods which can take months or years to be reviewed and amended.

The method of virtual learning is considered to be highly effective for Millennials and Generation Z employees, who were typically raised alongside the growth of technology.

These generations, are accustomed to accessing information at their convenience, therefore, any workplace looking to appeal or engage with younger, prospective talent should consider virtual learning to overhaul their current training systems.

Hows virtual learning is shaping the future of workplace training

In recent years, virtual learning has changed the face of education by becoming a supplement to traditional methods, allowing employees to learn at a distance, in their own time and at their own pace.

Employers are seeking to upgrade old training programmes through virtual learning solutions, offering their employees a solution that caters for all skill levels and capabilities, and the opportunity to communicate with learners around the world, through a virtual presence.

Virtual learning has the ability to enhance engagement and fosters a sense of collaborative working across larger businesses, using the virtual environment.

Virtual learning can also be used to build employee retention by collecting feedback and improve overall employee performance through tailored content suitable to an individual's learning style.

Additionally, virtual learning sessions can be used as part of a blended program to accompany face-to-face and on-demand learning methods. This provides time for learners to ask questions and solidify their knowledge.

As technology advances, we can also expect to see virtual reality (VR) further transform how we learn, by offering immersive and interactive content available to anyone.