Workplace training is a great way to improve your company from the inside, but don’t just take our word for it....
In 2016, 68% of workers said training and development is the most important workplace policy
Training and development lead to higher staff retention and loyalty:
Employees who get the opportunity to continually develop are 2x as likely to say they will spend their career with their company
Investing in training not only helps to retain current employees but can attract new talent:
35% of employees noted that good training and development programmes are the most desirable quality in the workplace
Happy and well-trained employees are more likely to excel in their roles, benefitting the wider organisational goals:
Companies with engaged employees see 233% greater customer loyalty
A 26% greater annual increase in revenue
Workplace training not only benefits your employee and organisational wellbeing but is also more economical:
Mid-level employees cost 150% of their annual salary to replace
There are a number of issues attributed to poor job satisfaction, but workplace training and development is a key significant contender:
With 74% of employees stating that they felt they weren’t achieving full potential
This can lead to employees seeking new opportunities, within other companies, where they feel more appreciated. Many organisations struggle to understand the needs of their employees or fail to implement an effective strategy to train and retain:
83% of employers believe attracting and retaining talent is a growing challenge
Providing workplace training can help overcome this issue, implementing a strategy that offers each employee the opportunity to grow and expand their knowledge. With Millennials now firmly planted in the job market, it is important to consider the alternative requirements of this group that may differ from previous generations:
87% of millennials said professional development or career growth opportunities are very important
Employee engagement is key when it comes to retaining talent, workplace training with support your efforts in ensuring your best people don't leave:
7 out of 10 people said training and development influence their decision to stay with a company
Training promotes loyalty within your workforce, and can reduce the risk of high staff turnover, particularly during the early stages:
40% of employees who receive poor training leave their positions within the first year
Poor training can make employees feel as though their development is not valued in the eyes of their employee, researching and planning your workplace training strategy is crucial to ensuring staff morale doesn’t diminish:
2 in 3 Millennials believe its management's job to provide accelerated development opportunities to encourage them to stay
As a manager, you should focus on what makes your employees happy and what could influencer and encourage good people to remain within your organisation. Millennials, in particular, are focused on lifelong learning and look to receive development plans for how to achieve their goals:
53% of Millennials said learning new things or having access to professional development opportunities would make them stay at their job
Workplace training not only provides knowledge but also promotes an attitude that your company cares about employee development.