Virtual learning enables employees to develop their skills by accessing innovative online platforms. E-learning, virtual reality and AI all fall under virtual learning, and all of which can be particularly beneficial to your people when utilised correctly.

So, without further ado, we’ve explained 3 ways in which virtual learning can benefit your employees long term:

1 Flexibility

Employees will always come from different backgrounds and have unique strengths and weaknesses, meaning it is only natural that they will learn best in different ways. 

Far too many businesses adopt a one size fits all approach when it comes to learning and development by using traditional and outdated methods. Virtual learning, however, is flexible in the sense that it can be delivered via a range of mediums, including:

  • Videos
  • Virtual Reality
  • AI
  • Webinars

By increasing the number of methods available for your employees, they are more likely to find the best way in which to learn and develop their skills, which will ultimately boost the capabilities of your entire workforce.

2 Improved learning retention

Did you know that virtual learning methods have a retention rate of up to 60%? That’s right, compared to traditional methods like lectures and seminars which typically yield retention rates of 10%, your employees are more likely to remember the important information given to them using virtual methods.

3 Agile mindset

Fixed and rigid mindsets towards workplace learning will hold back so many organisations from achieving their full potential. When it comes to improving operations, the need for employees to be agile is critical. For example, 86% of UK businesses believe that they need to develop a fully agile workforce within two years in order to remain competitive.

When it comes to developing an agile workforce, virtual learning methods can be utilised to build the skills of employees not only in their roles but in other aspects related to the business including compliance and leadership.