Great leaders within an organisation are the difference between sinking or swimming when it comes to navigating uncertainty - something particularly relevant with the likes of Brexit still high on every organisation’s priority list.

But how can you prepare your future decision makers, and embody them with the vital commercial skills necessary turn your employees into leaders? And how can you ensure your business triumphs uncertainty, time and time again? Workplace leadership training programmes are the key to unlocking the potential within your talented members of staff and embody the following:

Collaboration, nurturing and knowledge sharing

The likelihood is, your future decision-makers currently fall into the Millennial generation - the demographic known for their love of collaborative working environments, knowledge sharing and nurturing from more senior figures.

They’re an ambitious bunch as a whole and are willing to step up to a challenge, even if they’re not 100% ready to do so.

By encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing, you open up the room to new ideas which you can then nurture with your own experience in order to drive change, and transform a business in the face of uncertainty.

Transparency and communication

Throughout any uncertain time, transparency and communication are key, especially when the pressure is on. Including your future leader’s in the company’s mission and aims alongside any doubts you may have not only allows them to feel like a valuable member of the team, it pre-empts panic further down the chain and also encourages your teams to work together for the greater good of the business.

Focus on the long and short term

Great leaders understand that some decisions are long term, and others are very much short term. Preparing for the unexpected is the key to ensuring your business has fewer short-term decisions to make, but equally, your workplace leaders should understand when the time is right to change direction.

Not all decisions work out in the way they were intended, and having the ability to admit defeat, change tactics and move forward are all parts of being a good leader.

Utilise other employee skills

The best leaders understand that turbulent times are the perfect moments to step back and utilise others. Taking the time to ask for advice and collaboration or simply supporting others to lead is all part and parcel of being a great leader, and their influence could be exactly what you need to transform an uninformed decision into a great move for the business.