Workplace leadership training is critical to the betterment of the wider workforce. Leading in a positive way that ensures staff morale is maintained at a high level is crucial to business development.

To properly ensure that your workplace leadership training is appropriate and effective to meet the needs of your business, it must be regularly reviewed. Leadership assessment should also look at the capacity of individual managers, their capabilities and where they want their career to take them. Leadership evaluation can focus on the individual's personal management strengths and opportunities or look at the wider business management structure, in order to tackle the challenges it is currently facing.

Understanding the individual

A good quality leadership evaluation will include a full investigation into the people employed in the business as the wider management team. Each person is unique and will have a unique set of skills and way of working, therefore, their individual development plan should be tailored to suit their strengths and develop any areas for improvement.

Evaluating the individual's self-awareness of their own personal qualities and their abilities within leadership can improve the way in which they manage their team, department or the business as a whole, in the future.

Conduct assessments at various stages

Acquiring leadership skills happens both on the job and through training courses, therefore, evaluations should be carried out periodically in order to meet the demands of rapidly evolving markets, adapting to meet new objectives. Companies now look for leaders who have the capability to grow and master new skills as the world changes. With this evolutionary approach to the workplace, managers much ensure their education is a lifelong process of ongoing learning.

Moreover, the assessment should be amended to suit managers at different levels within the company. For example, an ambitious young manager should be assessed differently to mid-career business leaders, executives and board level individuals, due to the different experiences and skill sets. These individuals will need to be sent on different types of learning and training courses in order to boost their abilities up to the next level.

Leadership plan development

The development of a leadership plan is a crucial part of establishing a successful leadership strategy. Appraising current abilities, desired skills and the capabilities of individual managers across each level will determine the different types of development and training required. It also allows those who are evaluating, the ability to look at the skillsets across each level of the business and find gaps where skills are low or missing completely.

Human resources then use this information to identify gaps in the current talent pool, and can then apply this to their recruitment and talent acquisition strategies. They can also look at where each of the individuals within the management team fit into the succession plans for the business, in order to ensure continuity within the leadership structure.

The talent management team can then establish development plans which will benefit the individual's career plan and also look to prepare for business changes and grow skill sets to support company growth.