Employees now more than ever are expecting more from a job than just a paycheck, such as great workplace leadership and innovative workspaces.

Research by HBR found having a great manager and being part of a great culture are important to all employees. However, as a leader, it can sometimes be difficult to know how to further motivate employees and deliver positive change.

Workplace leadership is essential for driving changes within your workplace and there are a number of ideas you can consider.

Provide opportunities for employees

Employees have their own goals that they will want to achieve within their career. Whether this means they want to become part of your workplace leadership team or just work on an individual project to build their skills, allowing your employees to pursue their career goals can also help your business progress and grow.

Research has found that employees who derive meaning and significance from their work are much more likely to stay with their organisations, which is good news for managers looking for ways to better improve their employee retention.

Be an example

Being involved in workplace leadership means you must be an example to your employees. If you want to drive change and encourage your employees, they must see your enthusiasm and embody your work culture. If your employees see you leading by example, they are more likely to work harder and mimic your behaviours.


Driving change within your company will require you to clearly communicate your vision with your employees, but also offer them the opportunity to speak about what they want to achieve or how they feel the company can improve.

Through taking the time to get to know your employees, they will begin to feel more valued which in turn will encourage motivation for them to work to the best of their ability and encourage them to stay with your company.

Allow employees to move departments

Often, younger employees who join the workforce may be unsure about their career goals or their options. Through offering the opportunity for them to work across numerous departments during their time with your company, you are not only retaining that member but showing them you care about their development.

For example, if a member of your team finds something else at your company that they’re interested in, passionate about and wants to pursue a career within it, it is advisable to create a roadmap detailing how they to get them there.

Offer workplace training

Employees value a company that invests in their development. Millennials in particular often value job attributes such as learning and advancement, even more so than their predecessors.

Millennials place a greater emphasis on opportunities to learn and grow and for advancement. However, Millennials often do need to be convinced why and how an organisation will help them learn, grow, and develop into their role, which management can demonstrate through workplace leadership.

Through providing the correct training, with the right people managing your workplace leadership, you will attract the right type of talent and ensure that you maintain them for many years.