Corporate banking training needs to be clearly focused on developing core skills related to the business as well as giving employees the opportunity to actively attempt and reflect on their performance, which will allow the company to flourish.

As opposed to commercial banking which typically focuses on individuals and their financial affairs, corporate banking serves to provide services on an institutional scale, dealing with significantly large sums of money on a continual basis, meaning the risk is typically higher.

So, when it comes to constructing a corporate banking training programme, are business leaders doing everything they can to engage their employees and ensure a return on investment back in real situations?

What is corporate banking training?

Corporate banking training programmes will adequately prepare employees of all ages and levels to carry out their roles as productively as possible. Focused on current marketplace trends and developments, the best courses will give employees an innovative platform in which to improve their commercial skills and further understand how the business is run.

An effective corporate banking training programme should focus on two core areas. These are; credit skills and relationship management. In following these core topics, employees will be able to learn a broad scope of skills which will benefit business performance.

Credit skills

There are so many credit skills that are critical to progression in the widely competitive banking sector. Therefore, when it comes to training employees at different levels, it can be fruitful to adopt a pathway approach to work on skills in order of business preference.

From financial statements to qualitative frameworks and credit reports, business leaders will already have a clear idea of what they want to prioritise as part of their programmes. At MDA Training, our credit skills pathway is designed to map out the learning journey for employees and ultimately improve engagement.

Relationship management

Long term relationships will form the basis of repeat business for any corporate banking company. As competitors are ever-present, multinational clients will not think twice about switching to other businesses if standards begin to slip. 

When it comes to corporate banking training, relationship management needs to be prioritised to enable employees to practice their communication skills in a risk-free environment, which will allow them to later reflect on their performance and improve in the future.

Whether it’s influencing skills, identifying current and future customer needs or managing long term relationships, having a workforce that knows exactly how best to communicate with clients can be the difference between success and failure.

Here at MDA Training, our programmes for corporate banking are designed to develop the relationship management skills of individuals to an impeccable standard which will maintain long term relationships as well as providing employees with the confidence to create and develop new partnerships. 

Constructing the right corporate banking training programme to suit employees who excel in different areas can be difficult for business leaders. It can, however, be made easier by focusing on credit skills and relationship management, building out the programme related to business goals and KPIs from there. Doing this will make the process smoother for all, thus optimising the services available to clients.